So that's it. The last person left in the office has handed his keys in. I'm the only one left now.
We've reduced the industrial strength server rack into a couple of small PCs on the desk behind me with the same services (network admin, subversion serving, autobuilder, web server, file serve, backups, etc). I've reduced the QA lab to a suite of machines running on the desk beside me. 3 years' work condenses into a very small space when you have a big enough shoehorn.
It's a lot quieter around here. And the cleaner now has a lot less to do.
The only thing that's got bigger is the amount of work mounding up on front of me.
I'll let you know how XP For One works out...
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Don't ignore that error!
Settle yourself down for an apocryphal bedtime story. A programmer's parable, if you will...
Error, what error? It won't be serious. Honestly. I can ignore it. This is not a winning strategy for solid code. In fact, it's just plain laziness. (The bad sort.) No matter how unlikely you think an error is in your code, you should always check for it, and always handle it. Every time. If you don't, you're not saving time, you're storing up potential problems for the future.
We report errors in our code in a number of ways, including:
Not handling errors leads to:
Why don't we check for errors? There are a number of common excuses. Which of these do you agree with? How you would you counter each of them?
I was walking down the street one evening to meet some friends in a bar. We hadn't shared a beer in some time and I was looking forward to seeing them again. In my haste, I wasn't looking where I was going. I tripped over the edge of a curb and ended up flat on my face. Well, it serves me right for not paying attention, I guess.Too many programmers write code like my disastrous night out.
It hurt my leg, but I was in a hurry to meet my friends. So I pulled myself up and carried on. As I walked further the pain was getting worse. Although I'd initially dismissed it as shock, I rapidly realised there was something wrong.
But, I hurried on to the bar regardless. I was in agony by the time I arrived. I didn't have a great night out, because I was terribly distracted. In the morning I went to the doctor and found out I'd fractured my shinbone. Had I stopped when I felt the pain, I'd've prevented a lot of extra damage that I caused by walking on it. Probably the worst morning after of my life.
Error, what error? It won't be serious. Honestly. I can ignore it. This is not a winning strategy for solid code. In fact, it's just plain laziness. (The bad sort.) No matter how unlikely you think an error is in your code, you should always check for it, and always handle it. Every time. If you don't, you're not saving time, you're storing up potential problems for the future.
We report errors in our code in a number of ways, including:
- Return codes. A function returns a value. Some of which mean "it didn't work". Error return codes are far too easy to ignore. You won't see anything in the code to highlight the problem. Indeed, it's become standard practice to ignore some standard C functions' return values. How often do you check the return value from printf?
- errno This is a curious C language aberration, a separate global variable set to signal error. It's easy to ignore, hard to use, and leads to all sorts of nasty problems - for example, what happens when you have multiple threads calling the same function?
- Exceptions are a more structured language-supported way of signaling and handling errors. And you can't possibly ignore them. Or can you? I've seen lots of code like this:
try {
/// something...
catch (...) {} // ignore errors
- The saving grace of this awful construct is that it highlights the fact you're doing something morally dubious.
Not handling errors leads to:
- Brittle code, full of hard-to-find crashes.
- Insecure code. Crackers often exploit poor error handling to break into software systems.
- Bad structure. If there are errors from your code that are tedious to deal with continually, you have probably have a bad interface. Express it better, so the errors are not so onerous.
Why don't we check for errors? There are a number of common excuses. Which of these do you agree with? How you would you counter each of them?
- Error handling clutters up the flow of the code, making harder to read, and harder to spot the "normal" flow of execution.
- It's extra work and I have a deadline looming.
- I know that this function call will never return an error (printf always works, malloc always returns new memory, and if it fails we have bigger problems...)
- It's only a toy program, and needn't be written to a production-worthy level.
Friday, 28 November 2008
C++: An STL-like circular buffer (Part 11)
In this part, we'll get back to some basics. In a brief intermission from iterators, we'll add the complement to front(), back(), which returns a reference to the last item in the buffer. We provide a const and a non-const version:
To make this work, we need to make wrap cope with pointers that stray below m_buffer:// In declaration
reference back();
const_reference back() const;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::back()
return *wrap(m_back-1);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::back() const
return *wrap(m_back-1);
As ever, I'll add some tests that exercise the code, and reproduce the entire thing below for your cut-n-paste pleasure...value_type *wrap(value_type *ptr) const
assert(ptr < m_buffer + m_capacity*2);
assert(ptr > m_buffer - m_capacity);
if (ptr >= m_buffer+m_capacity)
return ptr-m_capacity;
else if (ptr < m_buffer)
return ptr+m_capacity;
return ptr;
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T> >
class circular_buffer
typedef T value_type;
typedef A allocator_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::reference reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
class iterator;
explicit circular_buffer(size_type capacity,
const allocator_type &a = allocator_type());
allocator_type get_allocator() const;
size_type size() const;
size_type max_size() const;
bool empty() const;
size_type capacity() const;
reference front();
const_reference front() const;
reference back();
const_reference back() const;
reference operator[](size_type n);
const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
reference at(size_type n);
const_reference at(size_type n) const;
iterator begin();
iterator end();
bool push_back(const value_type &);
void pop_front();
void clear();
size_type m_capacity;
allocator_type m_allocator;
pointer m_buffer;
pointer m_front;
pointer m_back; // points to next unused item
typedef circular_buffer<T> class_type;
circular_buffer(const class_type &);
class_type &operator=(const class_type &);
value_type *wrap(value_type *ptr) const
assert(ptr < m_buffer + m_capacity*2);
assert(ptr > m_buffer - m_capacity);
if (ptr >= m_buffer+m_capacity)
return ptr-m_capacity;
else if (ptr < m_buffer)
return ptr+m_capacity;
return ptr;
template <typename T, typename A>
(size_type capacity, const allocator_type &allocator)
: m_capacity(capacity),
assert(capacity > 0);
template <typename T, typename A>
clear(); // deallocates all objects
m_allocator.deallocate(m_buffer, m_capacity);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::allocator_type
circular_buffer<T,A>::get_allocator() const
return m_allocator;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::size_type circular_buffer<T,A>::capacity() const
return m_capacity;
template <typename T, typename A>
bool circular_buffer<T,A>::empty() const
return !m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::size_type circular_buffer<T,A>::size() const
return !m_front ? 0
: (m_back > m_front ? m_back : m_back+m_capacity) - m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::size_type circular_buffer<T,A>::max_size() const
return m_allocator.max_size();
template <typename T, typename A>
bool circular_buffer<T,A>::push_back(const value_type &value)
if (m_front && m_front == m_back)
m_allocator.construct(m_back, value);
value_type *const next = wrap(m_back+1);
if (!m_front)
// first entry in the buffer
m_front = m_back;
m_back = next;
return true;
else if (m_front == m_back)
// buffer is full already, throw something away
m_front = m_back = next;
return false;
m_back = next;
return true;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::front()
return *m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::front() const
return *m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::back()
return *wrap(m_back-1);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::back() const
return *wrap(m_back-1);
template <typename T, typename A>
void circular_buffer<T,A>::pop_front()
value_type *const next = wrap(m_front+1);
if (next == m_back)
m_front = 0;
m_front = next;
template <typename T, typename A>
void circular_buffer<T,A>::clear()
if (m_front)
m_front = wrap(m_front+1);
while (m_front != m_back);
m_front = 0;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::operator[]
(size_type n)
return *wrap(m_front+n);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::operator[]
(size_type n) const
return *wrap(m_front+n);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::at(size_type n)
if (n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Parameter out of range");
return (*this)[n];
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::at
(size_type n) const
if (n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Parameter out of range");
return (*this)[n];
template <typename T, typename A>
class circular_buffer<T,A>::iterator
: public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag,
typedef circular_buffer<T> parent_type;
typedef typename parent_type::iterator self_type;
iterator(parent_type &parent, size_type index)
: parent(parent), index(index) {}
self_type &operator++()
return *this;
self_type operator++(int) // postincrement
self_type old(*this);
return old;
self_type &operator--()
return *this;
self_type operator--(int) // postdecrement
self_type old(*this);
return old;
reference operator*() { return parent[index]; }
pointer operator->() { return &(parent[index]); }
bool operator==(const self_type &other) const
{ return &parent == &other.parent && index == other.index; }
bool operator!=(const self_type &other) const
{ return !(other == *this); }
parent_type &parent;
size_type index;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::iterator circular_buffer<T,A>::begin()
return iterator(*this, 0);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::iterator circular_buffer<T,A>::end()
return iterator(*this, size());
namespace tests
void pushing_and_popping()
circular_buffer<int> cb(5);
assert(cb.size() == 0);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.max_size() > 0);
assert(cb.size() == 1);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 1);
assert(cb.back() == 1);
assert(cb.size() == 2);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 1);
assert(cb.back() == 2);
assert(cb.size() == 5);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 1);
assert(cb.back() == 5);
assert(cb.size() == 5);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 2);
assert(cb.back() == 6);
assert(cb.size() == 4);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 3);
assert(cb.back() == 6);
assert(cb.size() == 3);
assert(cb.front() == 4);
assert(cb.back() == 6);
assert(cb.size() == 2);
assert(cb.front() == 5);
assert(cb.back() == 6);
assert(cb.size() == 1);
assert(cb.front() == 6);
assert(cb.back() == 6);
assert(cb.size() == 0);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
// empty again
assert(cb.size() == 1);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 7);
assert(cb.back() == 7);
assert(cb.size() == 3);
assert(cb.front() == 7);
assert(cb.back() == 9);
assert(cb.size() == 0);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
void indexing()
circular_buffer<int> cb(5);
// A helper - like asssert, but checks for an exception
#define assert_throws(a,b) \
try { a; throw "Failed to throw"; } \
catch (const b&) { /*OK*/ } \
catch (...) { throw "Threw wrong thing"; } \
// We loop round this test several times so our data wraps around the
// internal m_buffer array a few times.
for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
const circular_buffer<int> &const_cb(cb);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
// we could check that operator[] explodes, but there's little point!
assert( == 0); assert( == 0);
assert( == 1); assert( == 1);
assert( == 2); assert( == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 0); assert(const_cb[0] == 0);
assert(cb[1] == 1); assert(const_cb[1] == 1);
assert(cb[2] == 2); assert(const_cb[2] == 2);
assert(cb.front() == 0);
cb[0] = 3;
assert(cb.front() == 3);
assert( == 3); assert( == 3);
assert( == 1); assert( == 1);
assert( == 2); assert( == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 3); assert(const_cb[0] == 3);
assert(cb[1] == 1); assert(const_cb[1] == 1);
assert(cb[2] == 2); assert(const_cb[2] == 2);
cb[1] = 4;
assert( == 3); assert( == 3);
assert( == 4); assert( == 4);
assert( == 2); assert( == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 3); assert(const_cb[0] == 3);
assert(cb[1] == 4); assert(const_cb[1] == 4);
assert(cb[2] == 2); assert(const_cb[2] == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 4); assert(const_cb[0] == 4);
assert(cb[1] == 2); assert(const_cb[1] == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 2); assert(const_cb[0] == 2);
int main()
return 0;
C++: An STL-like circular buffer (Part 10)
Part 10 already! There's quite a lot of detail involved in writing an STL-like container. Now we're going to delve into some of the more interesting stuff...
I promised you iterators, and so iterators is what you'll get. Like the indexing operations we added in part 8, a circular buffer traditionally doesn't let you iterate through the contents. But where's the fun in that?
Different containers support different classes of iterator:
First steps
The container must supply the following nested types: iterator and const_iterator. These can be typedefs or nested class declarations (for example, the most efficient iterator implementation for the std::vector is a typedef of a pointer). However, to start off with, we can simply construct a nested class inside circular_buffer.
Let's start off with the non-const iterator version.
Like a container, and an allocator, an STL iterator must provide a number of nested type definitions for algorithms to be able to use them appropriately. These include:
Here's our first stab at an implementation:
This works nicely enough, although we'll refine the design as we add more facilities to the iterator.
Make sure that you understand the difference between preincrement and postincrement and how you overload each operator in a class declaration. Also make sure you know the difference between operator* and operator->.
Implementing reverse iterators
If we want to support reverse iteration, we must provide type definitions for the iterator and const_iterator counterparts: reverse_iterator and const_reverse_iterator.
Helpfully, the C++ standard library provides a useful implementation trick for reverse iteration: std::reverse_iterator. This class wraps a bidirectional/random forward iterator and adapts forward and backward movement to appropriate calls on the underlying forwards iterator.
We can use it like this:
When we eventually write a const_iterator, we can also write this:
It's that simple.
I promised you iterators, and so iterators is what you'll get. Like the indexing operations we added in part 8, a circular buffer traditionally doesn't let you iterate through the contents. But where's the fun in that?
Different containers support different classes of iterator:
- An input iterator allows you to read values with forward movement. It can be incremented, compared, and deferenced.
- An output iterator also moves forwards, but allows you to write values rather than read them on the way.
- A forward iterator effectively combines the input and output iterators, allowing you to read or write values with forward movement.
- A bidirectional iterator adds the capability to move backwards; you can increment and decrement them.
- A random access iterator allows you to read and write with the ability to do pointer arithmentic and pointer-like comparisons of the iterators.
- A reverse iterator is a bidirectional or random iterator that moves through the container in the reverse direction.
First steps
The container must supply the following nested types: iterator and const_iterator. These can be typedefs or nested class declarations (for example, the most efficient iterator implementation for the std::vector is a typedef of a pointer). However, to start off with, we can simply construct a nested class inside circular_buffer.
Let's start off with the non-const iterator version.
Our most implementation is not quite as simple as a pointer, but not much more complex. We need only maintain an index into the buffer and a back-pointer to the parent circular_buffer class. The iterator can be implemented in terms of circular_buffer::operator[].// In declaration
class iterator;
iterator begin();
iterator end();
Like a container, and an allocator, an STL iterator must provide a number of nested type definitions for algorithms to be able to use them appropriately. These include:
- difference_type
- value_type
- pointer
- reference
- iterator_category
- the iterator category (these are tag types in the std namespace)
- the difference_type
- the pointer type
- the reference type
Here's our first stab at an implementation:
template <typename T, typename A>
class circular_buffer<T,A>::iterator
: public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag,
typedef circular_buffer<T> parent_type;
typedef typename parent_type::iterator self_type;
iterator(parent_type &parent, size_type index)
: parent(parent), index(index) {}
self_type &operator++()
return *this;
self_type operator++(int) // postincrement
self_type old(*this);
return old;
self_type &operator--()
return *this;
self_type operator--(int) // postdecrement
self_type old(*this);
return old;
reference operator*() { return parent[index]; }
pointer operator->() { return &(parent[index]); }
bool operator==(const self_type &other) const
{ return &parent == &other.parent && index == other.index; }
bool operator!=(const self_type &other) const
{ return !(other == *this); }
parent_type &parent;
size_type index;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::iterator circular_buffer<T,A>::begin()
return iterator(*this, 0);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::iterator circular_buffer<T,A>::end()
// Remember: end() is one past the last element.
return iterator(*this, size());
Make sure that you understand the difference between preincrement and postincrement and how you overload each operator in a class declaration. Also make sure you know the difference between operator* and operator->.
Implementing reverse iterators
If we want to support reverse iteration, we must provide type definitions for the iterator and const_iterator counterparts: reverse_iterator and const_reverse_iterator.
Helpfully, the C++ standard library provides a useful implementation trick for reverse iteration: std::reverse_iterator. This class wraps a bidirectional/random forward iterator and adapts forward and backward movement to appropriate calls on the underlying forwards iterator.
We can use it like this:
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
The Last Man Standing
You may recall that my company has decided to shut down our Cambridge office and scale back its development operation significantly. Since that announcement I've been busily looking for other gainful employment, and have been pleasantly surprised that the job market is not entirely stagnant. I've had a number interesting leads that I'm still following up.
However, in a dramatic turnaround I have now secured a safe position in my existing organisation, which is a huge weight off my mind. (That doesn't necessarily mean I'll stop looking for other work, but it means I'm secure in the meantime). I am The Last Man Standing.
I was a little disappointed that we didn't have an Apprentice-style face-off for the position, with the CEO saying you're fired to team members in turn. In the end the selection process was little more than a job proposal, some phone calls to the states, and a little negotiation. No pistols at dawn.
This new role is going to be somewhat taxing. Solely responsible for the future of the codebase we've developed, reporting to the US, without the safety net of on-site QA or hardware support, working on my own (in a location yet to be determined). I'm genuinely unsure of how well I'll be able to work on my own; I've never done that before. It's going to be a bumpy ride...
And, I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to structure my development process. Let's be honest, it's hard to do XP in a team of one. Pair programming will be somewhat tricky, and code reviews hard to elicit. I'm going to need to build in something to replace the accountability in our existing development process. All comments and suggestions welcomed...
It's been a great three years working with a team of talented and motivated people, and a real shame to get to the end of the era at this early stage. There was a lot more potential in the team that we hadn't yet exploited.
However, in a dramatic turnaround I have now secured a safe position in my existing organisation, which is a huge weight off my mind. (That doesn't necessarily mean I'll stop looking for other work, but it means I'm secure in the meantime). I am The Last Man Standing.
I was a little disappointed that we didn't have an Apprentice-style face-off for the position, with the CEO saying you're fired to team members in turn. In the end the selection process was little more than a job proposal, some phone calls to the states, and a little negotiation. No pistols at dawn.
This new role is going to be somewhat taxing. Solely responsible for the future of the codebase we've developed, reporting to the US, without the safety net of on-site QA or hardware support, working on my own (in a location yet to be determined). I'm genuinely unsure of how well I'll be able to work on my own; I've never done that before. It's going to be a bumpy ride...
And, I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to structure my development process. Let's be honest, it's hard to do XP in a team of one. Pair programming will be somewhat tricky, and code reviews hard to elicit. I'm going to need to build in something to replace the accountability in our existing development process. All comments and suggestions welcomed...
It's been a great three years working with a team of talented and motivated people, and a real shame to get to the end of the era at this early stage. There was a lot more potential in the team that we hadn't yet exploited.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
C++: An STL-like circular buffer (Part 9)
Here's a little extra method we can easily add: back(). In a similar way to std::vector, std::deque, and std::list, the circular_buffer can support a back method, which returns a reference to the item at the end of the container.
Remember, m_back refers to the next unused item, so if we have anything in the buffer, it will be stored in the previous element.
Remember, m_back refers to the next unused item, so if we have anything in the buffer, it will be stored in the previous element.
// In declaration
reference back();
const_reference back() const;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::back()
return *wrap(m_back-1);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::back() const
return *wrap(m_back-1);
C++: An STL-like circular buffer (Part 8)
The circular_buffer is looking in pretty good shape now. We've squashed bugs and introduced an allocator. And, to be fair, we could stop here and have a perfectly usable class.
However, let's add some more methods to the container to learn a bit more about writing STL-like containers. The story can't end here after all, there's been no dramatic climax.
operator[] and at
These two methods aren't strictly required of a circular buffer. Section 23.1.1 of the standard claims these operations are only provided when they take constant time. We can achieve constant time indexing with our class, so let's write them.
We implement at() in terms of operator[]. To use std::out_of_range, you'll need to include <stdexcept>
We should write some more tests for test these new methods. In showing you this, I'll reproduce the entire class so far.
However, let's add some more methods to the container to learn a bit more about writing STL-like containers. The story can't end here after all, there's been no dramatic climax.
operator[] and at
These two methods aren't strictly required of a circular buffer. Section 23.1.1 of the standard claims these operations are only provided when they take constant time. We can achieve constant time indexing with our class, so let's write them.
at() is an index operator that performs bounds checking, throwing a std::out_of_range error if the index is invalid. operator[] itself need perform no bounds checking. Given our wrap() method, the implementations are simple:// In declaration
reference operator[](size_type n);
const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
reference at(size_type n);
const_reference at(size_type n) const;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::operator[]
(size_type n)
return *wrap(m_front+n);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::operator[]
(size_type n) const
return *wrap(m_front+n);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::at(size_type n)
if (n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Parameter out of range");
return (*this)[n];
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::at
(size_type n) const
if (n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Parameter out of range");
return (*this)[n];
We should write some more tests for test these new methods. In showing you this, I'll reproduce the entire class so far.
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T> >
class circular_buffer
typedef T value_type;
typedef A allocator_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::reference reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
explicit circular_buffer(size_type capacity,
const allocator_type &a = allocator_type());
allocator_type get_allocator() const;
size_type size() const;
size_type max_size() const;
bool empty() const;
size_type capacity() const;
reference front();
const_reference front() const;
bool push_back(const value_type &);
void pop_front();
void clear();
reference operator[](size_type n);
const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
reference at(size_type n);
const_reference at(size_type n) const;
size_type m_capacity;
allocator_type m_allocator;
pointer m_buffer;
pointer m_front;
pointer m_back; // points to next unused item
typedef circular_buffer<T> class_type;
circular_buffer(const class_type &);
class_type &operator=(const class_type &);
value_type *wrap(value_type *ptr) const
assert(ptr < m_buffer + m_capacity*2);
if (ptr >= m_buffer+m_capacity)
return ptr-m_capacity;
return ptr;
template <typename T, typename A>
(size_type capacity, const allocator_type &allocator)
: m_capacity(capacity),
assert(capacity > 0);
template <typename T, typename A>
clear(); // deallocates all objects
m_allocator.deallocate(m_buffer, m_capacity);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::allocator_type
circular_buffer<T,A>::get_allocator() const
return m_allocator;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::size_type circular_buffer<T,A>::capacity() const
return m_capacity;
template <typename T, typename A>
bool circular_buffer<T,A>::empty() const
return !m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::size_type circular_buffer<T,A>::size() const
return !m_front ? 0
: (m_back > m_front ? m_back : m_back+m_capacity) - m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::size_type circular_buffer<T,A>::max_size() const
return m_allocator.max_size();
template <typename T, typename A>
bool circular_buffer<T,A>::push_back(const value_type &value)
if (m_front && m_front == m_back)
m_allocator.construct(m_back, value);
value_type *const next = wrap(m_back+1);
if (!m_front)
// first entry in the buffer
m_front = m_back;
m_back = next;
return true;
else if (m_front == m_back)
// buffer is full already, throw something away
m_front = m_back = next;
return false;
m_back = next;
return true;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::front()
return *m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::front() const
return *m_front;
template <typename T, typename A>
void circular_buffer<T,A>::pop_front()
value_type *const next = wrap(m_front+1);
if (next == m_back)
m_front = 0;
m_front = next;
template <typename T, typename A>
void circular_buffer<T,A>::clear()
if (m_front)
m_front = wrap(m_front+1);
while (m_front != m_back);
m_front = 0;
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::operator[]
(size_type n)
return *wrap(m_front+n);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::operator[]
(size_type n) const
return *wrap(m_front+n);
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::reference circular_buffer<T,A>::at(size_type n)
if (n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Parameter out of range");
return (*this)[n];
template <typename T, typename A>
typename circular_buffer<T,A>::const_reference circular_buffer<T,A>::at
(size_type n) const
if (n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Parameter out of range");
return (*this)[n];
namespace tests
void pushing_and_popping()
circular_buffer<int> cb(5);
assert(cb.size() == 0);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.max_size() > 0);
assert(cb.size() == 1);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 1);
assert(cb.size() == 2);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 1);
assert(cb.size() == 5);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 1);
assert(cb.size() == 5);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 2);
assert(cb.size() == 4);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 3);
assert(cb.size() == 3);
assert(cb.front() == 4);
assert(cb.size() == 2);
assert(cb.front() == 5);
assert(cb.size() == 1);
assert(cb.front() == 6);
assert(cb.size() == 0);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
// empty again
assert(cb.size() == 1);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
assert(cb.front() == 7);
assert(cb.size() == 3);
assert(cb.front() == 7);
assert(cb.size() == 0);
assert(cb.capacity() == 5);
void indexing()
circular_buffer<int> cb(5);
// A helper - like asssert, but checks for an exception
#define assert_throws(a,b) \
try { a; throw "Failed to throw"; } \
catch (const b&) { /*OK*/ } \
catch (...) { throw "Threw wrong thing"; } \
// We loop round this test several times so our data wraps around the
// internal m_buffer array a few times.
for (size_t n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
const circular_buffer<int> &const_cb(cb);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
assert_throws(, std::out_of_range);
// we could check that operator[] explodes, but there's little point!
assert( == 0); assert( == 0);
assert( == 1); assert( == 1);
assert( == 2); assert( == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 0); assert(const_cb[0] == 0);
assert(cb[1] == 1); assert(const_cb[1] == 1);
assert(cb[2] == 2); assert(const_cb[2] == 2);
assert(cb.front() == 0);
cb[0] = 3;
assert(cb.front() == 3);
assert( == 3); assert( == 3);
assert( == 1); assert( == 1);
assert( == 2); assert( == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 3); assert(const_cb[0] == 3);
assert(cb[1] == 1); assert(const_cb[1] == 1);
assert(cb[2] == 2); assert(const_cb[2] == 2);
cb[1] = 4;
assert( == 3); assert( == 3);
assert( == 4); assert( == 4);
assert( == 2); assert( == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 3); assert(const_cb[0] == 3);
assert(cb[1] == 4); assert(const_cb[1] == 4);
assert(cb[2] == 2); assert(const_cb[2] == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 4); assert(const_cb[0] == 4);
assert(cb[1] == 2); assert(const_cb[1] == 2);
assert(cb[0] == 2); assert(const_cb[0] == 2);
int main()
return 0;
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